Karma and its related phenomena explained
---Nisarga Raman
1. What is Karma ?
Karma is neither a theory nor an unfounded concept.
It is a concept representing the actual state of affairs felt/realised in a certain state of a human consciousness.
That realisation is "EVERYTHING IS JUST HAPPENING ON ITS OWN EFFORTLESSLY."--This is the state in which everything is including Karma Yogi.
Let me explain.
What is the karma of a tree?
What is the karma of the rock?
What is the karma of sun?
What is the karma of Earth?
What is the karma of other stellar bodies in the universe?
What is the karma of water?
What is the karma of fire?
What is the karma of space?
What is the karma of heart,kidney,lung,glands,etc. internal body parts?
What is the karma of soil?
What is the karma of chair,table,car,airplane,etc. all man made things?
What is the karma of all the creatures?
What is the karma of bacteria in our gut system and on our skin?
What is the karma of brain?
What is the karma of our motor organs?
What is the karma of mind,ego,desires and all related phenomenon?
Does the above list not cover whole of the universe except ""the awareness presence or our understanding""?
Can any one of them (whether man made or naturally occurring) go against their "nature or swabhav" (the duty assigned to them). Here nature means inherent qualities in relation to inside or outside of it and the word swabhav is true representative of the qualities. The duty assigned means the purpose for which they are made.
Is any of the above doing its assigned duty with a feeling of doership?
Hence Karma means the duty assigned and being done without a feeling of doership.
The above facts clearly show that karma, if at all it is construed as action, is a happening in which the question of expectation of fruits does not arise at all as there is no feeling of doership there in any of the cases listed above.
If the above facts somehow is felt/realised/understood by just being """AWARE of what is happening""" does one not come to realise that "EVERYTHING IS JUST HAPPENING."?
2. Karma Related Phenomena
The karma theory is applicable in case of ignorant only where feeling/knowledge of doership is present there.
This does not apply on enlightened ones as there is no question of doing on their part i.e. they have known that no one is doer.
There are a no of thoughts/desires continuously "appearing/coming/welling up" in the mind, but most of them remain unfulfilled.
There are two types of desires.
First is essential desires i.e. need based (food, water, air and sleep) and other is non-essential i.e. luxurious/greed based.
The desires related to need once fulfilled, one gets/finds himself free from that desire.
But that is not the case with luxurious desires.
Again luxurious desires are of two types.
The desires related to outer things (except food, water, air and sleep) and can still be fulfilled depending upon the resources.
But the other one which is the ultimate luxurious desire related to religion/ God/ spirituality can never be fulfilled.
The fulfillment of a particular desire depends upon fulfillment of a no. of factors/ favourable circumstances.
But most of them (factors) are either unknown (hence not in our control) and even if they are known most of them are not in our control.
But once a desire wells up in the mind an amount of energy is consumed for its creation.
It remains in a corner of mind (assumption) as impression so long as it is not fulfilled in totality.
Its impression gets annihilated only when it is fulfilled in totality.
As most of them remain unfulfilled they get stuck in the energy body and are known as knots or granthies in yogic language (bandhan).
This is called being entangled in karma (Karmo ka bandhan).
These knots are being regularly produced (except in deep sleep sate) due to our unawareness to the happening of these things inside.
They are not produced in case of enlightened ones as they are fully aware/alert.
Prarabdha is such accumulated bandhans (granthies) energy before happening of their enlightenment .
So they have to be got cleared of those granthies but feeling of doership has gone in them.
Hence they suffer as per our point of view.
Hence in my view the explanation of the karma theory in common parlance is quite a misunderstood/mis-interpretate d explanation.
I request you all to correlate the above with various statements of Masters and suggest improvement.
---Nisarga Raman
1. What is Karma ?
Karma is neither a theory nor an unfounded concept.
It is a concept representing the actual state of affairs felt/realised in a certain state of a human consciousness.
That realisation is "EVERYTHING IS JUST HAPPENING ON ITS OWN EFFORTLESSLY."--This is the state in which everything is including Karma Yogi.
Let me explain.
What is the karma of a tree?
What is the karma of the rock?
What is the karma of sun?
What is the karma of Earth?
What is the karma of other stellar bodies in the universe?
What is the karma of water?
What is the karma of fire?
What is the karma of space?
What is the karma of heart,kidney,lung,glands,etc. internal body parts?
What is the karma of soil?
What is the karma of chair,table,car,airplane,etc. all man made things?
What is the karma of all the creatures?
What is the karma of bacteria in our gut system and on our skin?
What is the karma of brain?
What is the karma of our motor organs?
What is the karma of mind,ego,desires and all related phenomenon?
Does the above list not cover whole of the universe except ""the awareness presence or our understanding""?
Can any one of them (whether man made or naturally occurring) go against their "nature or swabhav" (the duty assigned to them). Here nature means inherent qualities in relation to inside or outside of it and the word swabhav is true representative of the qualities. The duty assigned means the purpose for which they are made.
Is any of the above doing its assigned duty with a feeling of doership?
Hence Karma means the duty assigned and being done without a feeling of doership.
The above facts clearly show that karma, if at all it is construed as action, is a happening in which the question of expectation of fruits does not arise at all as there is no feeling of doership there in any of the cases listed above.
If the above facts somehow is felt/realised/understood by just being """AWARE of what is happening""" does one not come to realise that "EVERYTHING IS JUST HAPPENING."?
2. Karma Related Phenomena
The karma theory is applicable in case of ignorant only where feeling/knowledge of doership is present there.
This does not apply on enlightened ones as there is no question of doing on their part i.e. they have known that no one is doer.
There are a no of thoughts/desires continuously "appearing/coming/welling up" in the mind, but most of them remain unfulfilled.
There are two types of desires.
First is essential desires i.e. need based (food, water, air and sleep) and other is non-essential i.e. luxurious/greed based.
The desires related to need once fulfilled, one gets/finds himself free from that desire.
But that is not the case with luxurious desires.
Again luxurious desires are of two types.
The desires related to outer things (except food, water, air and sleep) and can still be fulfilled depending upon the resources.
But the other one which is the ultimate luxurious desire related to religion/ God/ spirituality can never be fulfilled.
The fulfillment of a particular desire depends upon fulfillment of a no. of factors/ favourable circumstances.
But most of them (factors) are either unknown (hence not in our control) and even if they are known most of them are not in our control.
But once a desire wells up in the mind an amount of energy is consumed for its creation.
It remains in a corner of mind (assumption) as impression so long as it is not fulfilled in totality.
Its impression gets annihilated only when it is fulfilled in totality.
As most of them remain unfulfilled they get stuck in the energy body and are known as knots or granthies in yogic language (bandhan).
This is called being entangled in karma (Karmo ka bandhan).
These knots are being regularly produced (except in deep sleep sate) due to our unawareness to the happening of these things inside.
They are not produced in case of enlightened ones as they are fully aware/alert.
Prarabdha is such accumulated bandhans (granthies) energy before happening of their enlightenment .
So they have to be got cleared of those granthies but feeling of doership has gone in them.
Hence they suffer as per our point of view.
Hence in my view the explanation of the karma theory in common parlance is quite a misunderstood/mis-interpretate
I request you all to correlate the above with various statements of Masters and suggest improvement.