Thursday, June 16, 2011

Final Truth

Eternal Declaration-------" WE CAN KNOW EVERYTHING , BUT OURSELVES ".

The above declaration has been repeated time and again by all the Masters without any exception after knowing futility of all the efforts they made before.

The declaration is logically valid also.

Origin of yoga

How could the system or the idea/concept of yoga come into the human consciousness ?

Can somebody through light on this ?


Does the "quality and quantity" of so called consciousness remain the same in various states like normal awakened, enlightened, sleep, deep sleep, comatose, drugged, dead, so called evolutionary stage,etc. ?

‎"Have we ever thought/can we conceive" "in what circumstances/context the idea/concept of "enlightenment/liberation/moksha/nirvana/etc." could have come up in the human knowledge ?"

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Consciousness is conscious of itself"

In spiritual realm we always encounter to the phrase "Consciousness is conscious of itself". Somebody says "Consciousness is playing with consciousness itself".

I think this refers to "Self-consciousness" which is unique to human being as "it is said".

Can anybody explain this phenomenon with the help of examples ?

Are we not self-conscious in the waking state ?

Are we not "non-conscious" in the states other than awaken ?

If the answer is in affirmative then it appears that we know everything. Nothing requires to be known so far as consciousness is concerned.

Thinking and enlightenment

‎"More thinking (efforts)" to express the state of enlightenment with the help of more and more words/thoughts puts you far from the truth (everything is as it should be in the moment) i.e. you are more burdened with the no. of thoughts/concepts.

"Less thinking (efforts)" to express the state of enlightenment with the help of less and less words/thoughts puts you still far from truth (everything is as it should be in the moment) but less far compared to the above i.e. you are less burdened with the no. of thoughts/concepts.

"No thinking (effortless) / inner silence" is the true representative of the status of enlightenment or the truth (everything is as it should be in the moment).

As the enlightenment is nothing but

"happening of 180 degree shift in attitude towards everything (including oneself)"


"happening of remaining/staying fully aware in the moment"


"happening of understanding of AS IT IS (IS-NESS) in the moment".


"happening of realisation/knowing/recognising that EVERYTHING IS AS IT SHOULD BE IN THE MOMENT"

There is a rider attached to the above which is "EVERYTHING HAPPENS. ONE CANNOT FORCE IT TO HAPPEN".

Practicing "Effortlessness" or "Acceptance" may help but with no guarantee.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

BE HERE NOW- Whether It Can Be Practiced

BE HERE NOW- Whether It Can Be Practiced

Whatever (including consciousness,experiences,expressions, etc.) we know are just informations about (...).

The so called "knower" we generally refer and emphasise upon appears to be more important.

But as you know the knower and the known (informations) and the process of knowing last as long as the beautiful and intelligent body lasts.

There is no report after so called death whether so called consciousness or whatever you name it, remains/continues or not.

But the concept of eternity of so called consciousness is very much liked/enjoyed by the mind as it (we) requires continuity because of JIVESHNA (desire to continue living). We never want to die. We (mind) cannot think of our discontinuation/death. That (to discontinue) is the real fear.

That is why we(mind) strongly believe and feel satisfied with the concept of eternity of us having concepts like soul, Atma, Parmatma, God, Consciousness, Awareness, etc.

Just think if somebody (especially a Master) says you that "there is no such thing as eternity about your existence or "whatever you have known are all illusion/false", then what will be your reaction.

In case if you get somehow convinced with this ( non-existence of eternity of consciousness) , the mind will loose interest in anything whatsoever, except the basic needs of the body for living for which basically mind naturally exists.

Hence after "knowing/getting convinced" concentration will happen automatically more in living naturally rather than what will be in future as there does not remain a goal like realising so called your eternal presence.

This is the whole purpose of spirituality, i.e. understanding/realising of the fact of "BEING IN HERE NOW ALREADY".

Spirituality has nothing to do with concepts like present, past , future , eternity, soul, consciousness, God, Almighty, Brahman, Ishwara, etc. as all are nothing but mental entertainment which is more luxurious than physical luxuries.

The body which is already living in the moment has nothing to do with all these concepts or so called truth.

To make realise/convinced a person about his/her state of BEING IN HERE NOW ALREADY, is the whole purpose of a real Master/Guru and for that the Masters play various tricks like giving/prescribing a no. of methods to practice "knowing fully well that they are of no use" in ultimate sense.

They(Masters) want us (mind) to get convinced on our own about this fact (uselessness of practices).

After getting convinced/realised/known about the uselessness of any doing what happens is beyond expression i.e. inexpressible/unexplainable.- This has been said/declared by all Masters without any exception.

This is said/expressed as I understand, perhaps because the mind does not come into picture in the moment (living in present or here now) which we can say is the only time and cannot be caught/perceived by us(mind).

If there is no mind how can you say anything, because to say anything you require data (past and future projections) and that does not exist in the moment or in other words you cannot catch hold of the data as moment goes away so fast that the mind cannot hold/understand/know that.

Hence that is inexpressible/unknowable/unexplainable.

Therefore, from the above you can at least intellectually understand that you(mind) are already established or you (unknowable) are already living in """HERENOW"".

Hence all the entertainments (including spiritual) comes to NOT.

This is also known as NATURAL STATE in which all animates and in-animates are staying except "we the humans who appear not to be staying in this NATURAL STATE".

It is not that we are not in that state, only thing is that we are not aware of that.

Therefore the purpose of our discussion is just to be aware of this NATURAL STATE in which we are already living and there is no way out also to get out of this state.

That is all.

Persons Engaged In Interpretations Of Scriptures

Persons Engaged In Interpretations Of Scriptures

The society is a big machine being an expression of life on a collective scale.

In this society all the persons engaged in various fields in this world are its parts which are necessary to run this machine.

The important parts which are necessary to run this machine are farmers, labourers, office goers , doctors, engineers, lawyers, Govt. officials, businessman, criminals (otherwise what police will do), etc.

They(who are necessary for running the machine) are just like vitamins, minerals, glucose, etc. which are absorbed as and when required and are necessary to run the machine called body.

The children born are raw materials (food) for the society as they are going to be absorbed by the machine as important parts, when ready.

Every child's parents want to see their siblings to be set as necessary part required to run the society after they grow up. Nobody wants their siblings to see as priest/baba/mahatma/guru/master/criminals etc.

After all the vitamins and other materials necessary to run the machine are absorbed by the society , the leftovers/undigested may still contain some amount of intelligence (which remained to be undigested). These intelligent people go to the field of crime where maximum intelligence is required.

And the final leftover which is of no use to the society, turn themselves towards the so called God's area as no intelligent person are interested initially in this area.

These mostly unintelligent leftovers except with a few, start interpreting Gita, Ramayan, Upanishads, Bible, etc.

By this act (interpretation) they (Baba/Sadhu/Dharmatma/Guru..etc.) get maximum attention which is never available in any other field of society albeit everybody is hankering for that only through various means including so called spiritualism.

However, the maximum ego satisfaction is available in the God's area as all other including politicians, criminals, scientists, so called educated persons etc. come to them to seek their blessings.

These people who should have not been in picture at all as they could not get themselves fit as any part of the machine called society, are sitting on the top on the pyramid called society in the name of God or holy business.

Hence, what can be expected from them?

Their interpretation is bound to be misinterpretation leading to "solidifying the feeling of separateness' which is already present in us strongly.

This is one of the greatest reason of existence of division/differences among us in the society.

We can very well live/survive without the concept of God in any form.

But the concept of God cannot exists without us.

This is the hard truth which cannot be digested by those persons who are followers of the so called priests mentioned above.

I am not saying whether God exists or not.

Better it would have been that "the scientists being the most intelligent among all the lots should have interpreted the scriptures who would have given objective interpretations without bringing beliefs and faiths into picture".

If interpretation of any saying of scriptures would have seemed to be going in a direction other than the purpose of uniting us, they would have kept aside those sayings till the coming up of level of understanding when correct interpretation in right direction would be possible. This process/method is followed in scientific interpretations.

Then society would have been a different one.

My above understanding does not apply to all the priests/gurus/mahatmas etc.

Consciousness and Energy

The consciousness is directly proportional to the amount of activity going on in the nervous system.Hence, in a sense we are nothing but nervous system at gross level if we are are considered as consciousness at subtle level.

The consciousness is thus a byproduct of activities going on inside the body and its quantity can be measured.

In a certain body if the amount of consciousness exceeds or goes beyond a certain level i.e. threshold limit, the body becomes aware of itself.

The consciousness is also directly proportional to the amount and level of smooth flow of energy.

If the level of energy is high and is flowing inside the body without any obstruction, the level/amount of consciousness also increase which in turn gives rise to what is known as heightened level of awareness/alertness as the alertness/awareness is directly proportional to level of consciousness.

That is why we say that Master's level of consciousness and awareness/alertness is always very high.

Further the quantum of the happiness depends upon the quantum of the energy (quantum and its flow) which is in excess of the threshold limit for normal survival of the body-mind organism.