Monday, July 25, 2011



Is it not true that we have known duality only ?

Is it not true that for us knowledge of separateness is practical truth?

Is it not true that in any search we have to start from where (the level of understanding) we are?

Is it not true that we can start searching a thing (which can be perceived by sense organs) by any positive way i.e. by recognising the thing and saying "This is, This is" ?

Is it not true that we cannot start searching a thing (which cannot be perceived by sense organs ) by any positive way i.e. by recognising the thing and saying "This is, This is"?

Is it not true that the only way left to us to start searching a thing (which cannot be perceived by sense organs) is by negative way i.e. by recognising and eliminating the known things and saying "This is not, This is not (Neti-Neti)."?

Is it not true that in all the three ways mentioned above, the reference point is the things which can be perceived by sense organs ?

From the above is it not clear that we can discuss/search in reference to only those things which can be perceived by sense organs ; hence only in duality ?

Will it not look foolish on our part to start looking directly for non-dual character/nature of the thing as it is , because we are totally unaware of it ?

Therefore why should we not go on exploring/investigating the duality itself and try to find out whether the knowledge/feeling of separateness which is the main pillar of existence of concept of duality, is true or not ?

Does the above appeal to you or appear to be logical/scientific ?

Then stop playing games with yourself


understand the trick of your mind

which in order to continue its existence

is be-fooling you.

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