Who we are?
Let us try to find out intellectually who we are using the only instrument i.e. so called mind, available with us for anything (including so called spirituality)
About ourselves everybody of us have only two informations i.e. the body and the so called mind.
The third information like soul, self, Atman, Brahman etc. is nothing but concept may be names given out of fear of so called death or for other purpose about which everybody is not aware with.
This third element may be some presence which might have been experienced on individual level.
It is better not name it because that creates problem in analysis/enquiry.
The body has come first, and then the mind (the sum total of data and programmes) gets created/implanted in the body with the help of its sense organs for its smooth functioning in the so called world.
The question arises that are we body or mind or both or none or both plus something extra ?
Now Let Us Proceed :-
Are we body?
Let us analyse with the help of following facts:
A. The body is made up of food that it has consumed. The food has been prepared by the plants with the help of water, carbon dioxide, minerals from the soils etc. in the presence of sunlight. Are we water, soil, etc. so called panchbhoota?
B. If we would have been bodies there was no question of the so called death but the person is said to be dead even though his body is present.
C. The growth of the body from fetus to young is nothing but retention of some of the foods the body has consumed. Hence the body is nothing but food.
Are we food?
D. The foods that the body consumes are all dead as per our scientific knowledge and understanding. It means the raw materials from which the body is made up of are all dead ones. Nobody eats live foods. Even if somebody eats live food (sprouts, small live creatures, etc.) it becomes dead in the gut system otherwise digestion which is necessary for growth and functioning of the body, will not happen. Therefore logically speaking the final product cannot be live if the raw materials used are dead. Natural conclusion should be that the body is already dead. But this has been labeled as live only because of movement of its internal organs (heart beat, blood flow, etc.) and movement of motor organs. It can be compared with the moving electric fan. When the current is there the fan is said to be live and in absence of the current it comes back to original state i.e. dead or inactive. We may or may not be like the current in the presence of which the fan moves.
E. The body is made up of a no of cells and each cell is an independent life. If a person is body then he is a combination of trillions of independent lives somehow combined together may be because of certain natural programming. Organ transplantations, blood donation, invirto-fertilization, etc. are ample proofs. After blood donation or organ donation one does not feel that he has reduced. Similarly one does not feel increased after an organ is transplanted into his body.
F. In the body millions of cells are dying every second and millions are taking births every second. In every 7 year the whole body is almost new as no cell has life more than 7 years. Then what is the age of the body at any given point of time. Anybody can guess. 7 years.
G. Each cell of the body is made up of atoms inside which electrons are moving at the speed of light. Hence each atom may be termed as live as the movement is there inside. This is true for so called inanimate things also. The atoms can be converted into energy (e= mc2 ). It means body is nothing but energy. Are we energy?
H. Now the science is capable of producing a no of copies of the same body. Not only that designer baby concept is gaining ground where one can choose about the various qualities he wants to be present in his going to be born offspring. Many religious concepts which are basically superstitions will be wiped out.
I. The scientists are claiming on the basis of experimental results that within 20 years the technology will be available to make this body permanent i.e. immortal. The increased average age compared to 100 years back is the proof in this regard. What will happen to the concepts like rebirth and re-incarnation?
Are we mind?
Let us analyse with the help of following facts:
1. The small child has brain but not mind i.e. hardware with operating system but no data and applications programmes.
2. The mind starts developing with the help of inputs from the sense organs. The inputs may be given by others or taken by one’s own efforts. It means the source of whole of the contents of mind is outside. The data and programmes collectively called mind at any given point of time , grow as well as updated simultaneously. Therefore the mind is continuously changing without us being conscious/aware of that.
3. For survival of the body, the mind is not necessary. To survive this intelligent instrument (body) needs only five things which are:
a. Air (oxygen) , a gift from nature.
b. Water , a gift from nature.
c. Sleep , also a gift from nature.
d. Food , almost a gift from nature (we get a no of seeds/plants from one seed used for growing) but the body requires to do some labour.
e. The working mind inbuilt in all creatures, also a gift from nature.
Just imagine that if a child is provided all the above four throughout life without being given any mental input. Will s/he not be able to spend his life without mind ? May be not so smoothly. The mind is required only for verbal communications. The life as such is not bothered about the mind at all. Take the example of person lying on bed in coma. The life is present there keeping other vital organs active but mind is not functioning. Hence at a shuttle level or in another sense the mind is nothing less than luxury.
4. Every night this so called mind is almost absent especially in non-REM (no dream) state, but in that absence also the life which one is, survives . If s/he would have been mind he would have gone/died in the absence of the mind.
5. Nobody has ever created his mind consciously. That is why nobody can control the mind. The creation of mind starts in early phase of our life i.e. in childhood and its creation is not in our hand and we as child are handicapped due to absence of any such programme which can decide whether so and so inputs are worth taking or not. Therefore so many things are put inside this head without our consent. The tragedy is that we never become aware or alert even when we have fully grown up when something is either put into by others or when we put in at our own. We behave as an unconscious persons. We never think whether the data going inside has any relation with things needed to support the life as such i.e. air, water, food , sleep and working mind ,which are the only needs for survival of life which we are.
6. Till date the location of mind has not been found by the science. Sometimes questions have also been raised about the existence of mind itself by the so called self-realised persons. Saying are like “ Mind is a myth”, “Mind is an illusion” “Mind is nothing but a sum total of impulsive reactions depending upon the training the body has received”. In any research the person researching should be separate and different from the things to be searched. But here the real problem in the search of mind is that the very mind is searching itself. The same is the situation of all the seekers because they are seeking themselves which is naturally not possible. Not only that they are seeking the so9 called real with the help of the mind which itself is an illusion/unreal or does not exist as the so called Masters say. In Gita Krishna says I am beyond perceval of mind and the sense organs. But the tragedy is that we don't any other instrument for this purpose other than the mind.
7. The artificial intelligence has created a possibility that in future chips with relevant data will be implanted directly into human brain. No need to cram the books to become doctor, engineer, C.A., pundit, padri, mullah, etc. There will not be any vacuum created on the death of a great scientist or a poet or anyone because before he dies all the programmes and data will be copied and as and when required it will be pasted in a healthy person’s brain and he will start from there where the dead one left. Don’t take it as a fiction. It is going to be real in very near future because this idea is based upon the scientific developments in various fields especially artificial intelligence and computing being reported from time to time. Our brain functions exactly like computer or any other creature’s brain but perhaps because of the so called self consciousness we consider ourselves better than other creatures.
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