(Including going to temple,Guru, Master, etc. reading scriptures and all)
I have tried to explain the above in the following lines.
1. After landing on earth from unknown through womb we start learning (basically sense organs in conjunction with neurons are trained to function in a synchronized way which is called conditioning).
2. Further alongwith conditioning we start learning on our own too by way of imitation.
3. We come to know various concepts including the basic concept "I". These concepts have utility values but are not true in themselves--means AS SUCH they have no existence of their own.
4. This gives rise to a sense of memory/mind/thoughts....etc. etc. This mind cannot exist without body, but body can very well exist without this mind.(People in comatose, deep sleep state are examples of existence of body without mind.)
5. This mind functions (movement of thoughts) only if a target/goal is given to the body-mind structure as this instrument has been trained on this pattern only.
6. For a normal life to lead both the instruments i.e. body and mind must function in harmony with each other.........may not be fully harmonised.
7. Target/goal---means lack of that targeted thing. If one already have something he/she will not make that a target. How this lack is created is a different issue. Many factors are involved, but the central factor is conditioning.
8. Body----When the body is lacking in something we name it disease. In order to fill that (lack) we do many things including going to doctors. This (removing the sense of lacking) makes sense as without body(by grace/virtue of which we are known in this world, but unfortunately we have given more importance to the mind than the body------in fact both are equally important......but base remains the body). All animals do this.
8. Mind----- A concept ...nomenclature given to the interpretation of impulses reaching brain..........interpreted by the brain cells as per conditioning/training received as mentioned above in point no. 1. Hence, impulses produced due to various factors (known and unknown) do have their existence AS SUCH (EEG), but the thoughts don't have their existence AS SUCH. Hence, the mind also does not has its existence AS SUCH.
9. When the basic needs (mainly food) of a person get secured, the attention (consciousness) shifts to the brain in stead of basic body demands. Attention is nothing but an expression of energy only which is produced by the body. This attention (not related to basic needs) is in fact spare/excess as the person does not know how to spend that. Hence, the excessive movement of thoughts (mind) comes into the picture and this excess energy gets consumed. And due to imitating/compulsive behaviour due to conditioning creates a sense of needs other than the basic ones and makes the person move towards indulging in other activities including the so called religion/spirituality as others are also engaged in.
10. This unconscious desire of spending this excess energy (about which we are not aware) gives rise to a sense of feeling as if we are lacking something. Sexual activity more than required for procreation is also included in this (lacking feeling). In order to fulfill this sense of lacking we go on accumulating various goods. Not only that we go on accumulating the so called various knowledge (information) without being aware why we are doing.....just trying to fulfill the sense of lacking. And one day while engaged in these activities, the body comes to a stage when it is unable to sustain the life in this form---death. But no one wants to die. Hence, in order to have a sense of continuity even after death of body somehow the idea of immortality was conceptualised and in order to give this concept a solid base many concepts like God, Soul, Atma, Parmatman, etc were devised. With the passage of time first came the idea of religion then spirituality.
11. Hence, the reason behind going to religions and spirituality is nothing but to get rid of a sense of non-fulfillment (feeling of lacking something). In a sense this is a disease of mind only which we try to "solve/get rid of" by going to temple, Baba, Guru, Masters, etc. I am not saying going to them is wrong, but I have just tried to analyse the the reason behind all these drama (Leela).
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