Rs Mani I think, he reflecting media is absent in rocks, soil, etc. and that is the reason why there is no expression of life in them as compared to the sentient beings including the plants. The finer the surface the better the reflection of light on it and it is like that.
Who knows sir whether that media is absent in them ? It is we who are judging one sided. Are the raw materials with which the reflecting media is made up of, not "supplied/have come" "by/from" them only ? How is it possible that the supplier of media will be devoid of media ? It seems illogical. May be in them also the intelligence is in action , but our instrument is not capable of sensing them.
Rs Mani True, Ramanji. The Vedanta does not attempt much to say how the creation came about etc., though there is mention about it here and there. Vedanta addresses the fundamental human problem, i.e. ignorance, which is the cause for all sufferings appears to be there for the self, and removes it by unfolding Knowledge, with logical support, and not logical proof.
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