Kundalini- A Logical Explanation
Let us first be clear about ceratain terms
Granthies(in yoga) - They are accumulated energy known as knots also.
How Granthies are formed- There are a no of thoughts/desires continuously appearing/coming in the mind but most of them remain unfulfilled. The desires are need based (food, water, air and sleep) and luxurious. The desires related to need once fulfilled one get himself free from that. But that is not the case with luxurious desires. Again luxurious desires are of two types. The desires related to outer things (except food, water, air and sleep) can still be fulfilled depending upon the resources. But the ultimate luxurious desire related to religion/ God/ spirituality can never be fulfilled. The fulfillment of a particular desire depends upon fulfillment of a no of factors/circumstances out of which most of them either are unknown (hence not in our control) and if known most of them are not in our control.
But once a desire is created an amount of energy is consumed for its creation. It remains in a corner of mind. It gets annihilated only when it is fulfilled in totality. As most of them remain unfulfilled they get stuck in the energy body and are known as knots. These knots create problem in smooth flow of energy in the energy body.
The Energy Body and Physical Body both are interconnected and affect each other in all respect. These blockades are reflected as various forms of pain and diseases if they are not cleared from time to time. It is like clean-up programme of the computer. These knots are being regularly produced due to our unawareness to the happening of these things inside.
Physical counterpart of granthies- They are blockade (irregular flow of blood) especially in nervous system. In physical term we (consciousness) are very near to our nervous system. They are formed due to unnatural eating habits and unnatural lifestyles.
Cleaning up of blockades—Dreams are natural cleaning programmes, but it has own limitation as during cleaning up we are not awake. The intelligence of the body which cleans up by this method, does only up to a certain level so that the next day the body becomes again fresh for normal functioning.
Pranayama and meditation are other tools by which we consciously clean up those knots in awaken state. Its benefit is that there is no limit of cleaning. Due to various asanas and exercises alongwith natural food and lifestyles the blockade (irregular flow of blood) in the nervous system is cleared. This in turn helps in cleaning up in energy body also. In the night when we are asleep physical cleaning also goes on unconsciously as body takes various postures. Hence in sleeping state also cleaning of body and knots(granthies) goes on , but beauty is that granthies in energy body or blockade in physical body are not created during our sleep period as during this period only clean-up, defragmentation, antivirus programmes goes on so that in the morning the body feels fresh to take on further load of granthies. The above process one starts from body to mind and further. Asanas –pranayams-dhyana (as propounded by Patanjali) This cleaning up process has been named as catharsis.
Spirituality- The spirituality is concerned with realization of spirit (the essence) of what we perceive through our sense organs and mind. It is concerned with beyond of both i.e. object and subject both.
While Kundalini is concerned with well being of body and mind and other related bodies. This is still an object, not even the subject which is second stage towards spirituality. As one has to shift its consciousness from object to the subject and shifting to the beyond happens. In a sense this can best be termed as creation of base/platform to go beyond both.
It is mother of all healing system including modern medicine. In every healing system the energy is required and the energy is supplied by the body only and the ultimate source is Kunndalini only. The healing is always self healing. The various system just creates environment conducive for self healing or in other words they are facilitators of self healing process. All energy healing systems like Reikie, Pranic, Spiritual, Colour, Magnetotherapy, Accupressure, Accupuncture,Aroma Therapy, Hands on Healing, etc. all are related to tapping of this energy only.
Awaken state and nervous system- In awaken state the nervous system functions (consciousness is the result of this functioning) up to required/desired level. Its level goes up and down depending upon the situations/circumstances either inside or outside the body. In sleeping state again the level of functioning (awareness of consciousness) goes very low and functions at a level which is just required/needed in case of emergency. When the person is unconscious its function is not reflected through body as reactions, hence can be said as functioning at a very minimum level.
Nervous system use – The nervous system is basically meant for communications of various parts of bodies with each other. In this state(body use) of nervous system intelligence functions at peak level as in the case of small child, animals and the sages. The difference among them is of realization only. Sages have realized this while others not.
Experiences-No experience can be experienced if information is not there in the system. There is no end of experiences either personal (Kundalini) or collective. Collective experiences at least can be discussed/proved with direct or indirect evidences with some certainty but personal cannot be proved. And the so called spiritual experiences can never be proved by any means.
Kundalini—This is the creative energy of the nature i.e. sexual energy. Whatever is perceived directly or indirectly with sense organs and mind is product of this tremendeously powerful divine energy. It has tremendous power latent in it. It is a fact that in one intercourse 12 millions of sperm comes out from male partner and if similar no of eggs are available you can imagine ……the impact on population.
The sadhaks as per Patanjali Yogasutra prepares his/her body and mind before stopping /maneuvering /understanding/ controlling of this force of sexual energy. If this is controlled i.e. outer flow gets stopped; this being natural inherent force of creation starts acting on the body itself. What this creative energy will do, cannot be expected/predicted.
As its effects are perceived through the nervous system it is felt at different places in nervous system. Its effect is multiplied by the release of energy of those granthies getting cleaned. If the body and mind is fully cleaned before this rush of energy (as mentioned above) almost no effect will be felt except slight heat/cold in spine and everything will fall in place naturally.
But this act of controlling the energy in itself is unnatural.
Sometimes if due to some unknown factors this divine sexual energy somehow gets blocked/stuck unknowingly (may be due to some outer or inner factors) then the rush of energy creates havoc in the body-mind structure as the body and mind are not in a state to let it flow smoothly because of presence of granthies and blockades. This energy flows in uncontrolled way givs rise to various impulses (as they are nothing but energy ) in nerves and impulses reaching to the brain through the nerves related to eyes, ears, nose, skin and tongue are interpreted by the brain cells as experiences of beyond because the impulses created are of such intensity that the brain had never felt that. But depending upon conditioning it interprets the impulses. For example many people see very bright light(1000 suns), smell of Chandan type (I have gone through it), hear sound (termed as Brahm Nad), feel taste of amrita, feel coolness in body, etc. all related with sense organs. This rush of energy clears both the physical blockades and granthies.
After the cleansing process is finished the person feels himself very light. Sometimes feeling of weightlessness (I have gone through it for 10 minutes) has been reported in Upanishad also.
But generally what happens is that after this is over the creation of blockades goes on unhindered and the experiences also go on and can be felt if a person tries to cleanse the blockades, because now he has got the knack of this process.
But the main problem is that he/she starts enjoying the experiences as there is no parallel of these experiences in physical world. They are almost intoxicating. It is very difficult to get out of this trap of mind as one loses his complete(sometimes) awareness and we the ignorant superimpose our ideas that he is experiencing bliss/ecstasy or what not due to holiness and sacredness of such things.
So far as spontaneous happening of asanas (I have gone through it) is concerned those happens because the process od cleansing starts from reverse side i.e. from mind (energy body) to physical body. The body takes the shape as per happening in the energy body which happens due to going on cleansing process of granthies. Hence we feel that it is happening automatically as if magnetic force is acting. In such cases as the cleansing of body (blockades) and mind (granthies) has not been completed, the cleansing happens due to sudden rush of energy.
One thing is very remarkable in this state (as I have noticed) is that mind is always alert or you can say almost in the moment only.
In fact whole of the yoga asanas, pranayama, came into the light in olden days from the reverse direction only. Some persons just put them down on paper after noticing it. This has been beautifully explained by Osho.
The question arises why the Masters like Raman Maharshi, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Ranjit Maharaj, Buddha, Mahavira, Jesus, Eckhart Tolle, Ramesh Balsekar, Adhyashanti, Mooji, Bagavath, U.G., Nathan Gill, etc. and other modern Masters never prescribe the path of Kundalini Yoga ? In fact they are against this path and used to discourage. The beauty is “””today that all over the world most of the Masters are somehow directly or indirectly related to Raman Maharshi and Nisargadatta Maharaj.”””””
Osho is exception not in the sense that he has prescribed, but he has given all options to the seekers depending upon their capabilities/preparedness. But he also has not emphasized upon path of Kundalini. Whatever he said on Kundalini was in early years of his discourses. After he established his ashram in Pune he has hardly spoken on Kundalini. His favourite was Zen. He had chosen to speak on Zen in the end as according to him Zen is the peak/ultimate of truth and is the religion of future. However he could not complete his discourses on Zen due to his death. But, his major stress was on “”Understanding””” or Gyan Yoga not on any other system.
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