Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Dhol Gawar--By Dipti

Dipti she wrote:-----------Its been too long since I wrote something..and updated my blog.. but still am glad I've quite a few readers who peep in to have a look..sorry to keep the few readers in "anticipation mode"..Have been held up in the mundane jobs of a being a married woman.Been looking out for job..few issues to be sorted.. ok now getting to the blog----------------------​--------------------------​-----was just introspecting yesterday and remembered the STATEMENT made by my hubby during the tiffs we used to have.. Couple of times he made the statement and it was etched in my mind. So today planned on putting my tots on it in words---------------------​--------------------------​----My hubby- "valmiki,the great saint who composed the epic ramayana has told 'DHOL,( Drum) SHUDRA(Of or belonging to lower caste),PASHU(Animal),NARI(​women species) are to be kept as dust below the feet' "-------------------------​--------------------------​--------Many times I tried to explain it to him but to no avail. But I kept on thinking on it and what could the great sage have meant?At times I was also upset with the ways of the world and the way women are treated. The world has always had a slew of male chauvinistic pigs in the upper echelons of the societal and religious setup. I always told him saints had great reverence.

"Dhol, gawar, sudra, pashu, nari sakal tadan ke adhikari"
Literal meaning- drums, illiterate, of lower caste, animals, and female deserve a beating to straighten up and get the acts together.But what the saint truly meant was probably as below-

1* DHOL- The strings of the drum needs to be tightened to get beautiful music out of the instrument.He is referring to the HUMAN MIND which left lose can create havoc.Humans must control their mind.(irrelevant thoughts)

2* GAWAR- The human mind is ever in the process of learning and he refers to the thoughts of the human mind.We need to train and give food to the mind which are positive in nature.

3* PRANI- again its about the thoughts which can run as wild as an animal and needs to be trained in the right direction.It also implies You need to try and teach mind that has deep Tamasic attitude like animals.I also means that even these tamasic minded people also have the
strong rights under God to have proper guidance to get Moksha (Taran)

4* SHUDRA - He doesnt mean of/belonging to lower caste but keeping our thoughts clean clear and pure and not of shudra pravrutthi**(nature)

5.NAARI- last but not least he talks about the attributes which are considered to be that of a female- kama (sensual gratification), Krodha (anger), Moha(delusion), Lobha(greed), Matsara - envy, Mada(Pride/arrogance).A human needs to dissolve or burn away the six poisons for acquisition of true bliss-ANANDA

He meant taming the mind leads to serenity.
All he meant was conquering the mind....?

source :

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