Saturday, September 10, 2011



Why people are interested in miracles I don't understand.

I can understand the situation of poor people, uneducated people, downtrodden people, like that.

But what about the so called educated/elite/intellectual people who still go on believing in miracles despite many scientific revelations and developments the benefits of which we are enjoying.

We believe in miracles, but not in the science and the scientists.

What a tragedy !!

Body living in the moment , but we(mind) still believing in the prehistoric concepts.

Are we really sane ?

There is no miracle in the nature. If at all it is everything of the nature is no less than a miracle if we apply a little bit of intelligence.

They cannot see that their body itself is the greatest miraculous instrument of the nature. Can there be imagined more miracle that the breathing which is going on its own.

This belief in miracles or any unfounded belief (illogical not supported by any evidence directly or indirectly) is one of the major factors contributing to the suffering in the world today.

Come out of the web/illusion of miracles/beliefs and have belief in reason and logic upon which most of the worldly functions are going on actually.

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