Tuesday, March 27, 2012



I have experienced/observed/analysed or many of us might have too that "one (as understanding---at thought level) is always getting replaced by another other up to certain extent by way of interaction".

But that is not being done purposely/knowingly i.e. we are not aware of this happening.

The replacement i.e. "the merger of understanding" or "two different understandings becoming one", happens unknowingly and later on one realises this , the symptom of which(realisation) is "feeling a sense of loss of oneself" and then one reacts.

If you look into your day to day life this is actually what is happening with you or everybody is engaged in this only over and above of the engagement for fulfilling the basic needs.

Perhaps this is happening because of the unconscious desire to merge with the others/whole, but at the same time the conditioning which gives you the sense of individual identity (feeling/knowledge of separation) does not want it (merger) to happen.

Hence, the conflict between you (EGO-conditioning) and the unconscious desire surfaces suddenly later on when you(ego) find that you have been lost to a certain extent.

And you as a separate illusory identity start blaming other with whom you have merged.

Perhaps at unconsciousness level a feeling of happiness (peace/relaxation) goes on increasing due to getting merged (as that is the eternal desire) while at conscious level when it comes to your notice the reactions happen in various ways generally we label them as negatives.

This happens when you (ego) feel lost i.e. your understanding and others's understanding do not exist as two, but one.

Through music/art etc. or for that matter any activity where other is not a human being we are unconsciously doing the same(trying to merge).

But here conflict of ego does not happen as that can happen only in case of two human beings.

Perhaps even all the sexual activities are also nothing


"symptoms of this unconscious desire of getting merged".

That is why if you want to retain your illusory identity---EGO---then remain always alert while interacting with others in any manner to avoid the future pain and blame game.

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