Thursday, February 17, 2011

“Awareness is the key” - Factually Explained-(Includes Scientific Explanation of Experiences)

In the waking state as well as dreaming state, right from morning to night, we are trying to get rid of/to fulfill thoughts/desires (spiritual thoughts/desires included) which appear into our mind . However this act is happening inside without us being aware of it i.e. without our knowledge.

Take simple examples to understand this factual position.

In the morning after waking up a thought related to having a cup of tea appears and is expressed by asking somebody “whether tea is ready”. If the answer come “yes” the thought gets annihilated. If answer comes “no” then another thought appears and expressed “what is the problem”. It again gets annihilated by another answer.

A series of thoughts continuously go on appearing. Some of them get annihilated/fulfilled either by getting expressed outwardly or by thinking inwardly. Most of them are never annihilated/fulfilled and remain stuck in the energy body as energy knots known as “granthis/impurities” in Yogic literature. In other words this is also known as “bound by karmas” or “storing of fruits of karma”.

The whole purpose of yoga is to get oneself cleared of all these granthis so that one gets realized that he is already “free”. During the process of clearing of these granthis various types of so called spiritual experiences occur due to release of such energy.

In some persons somehow this release happens without doing anything. What happens is that the energy hits various nerves connecting sense organs with the brain and depending upon the intensity of the energy (impulses are sent to the brain) the brain perceives unknown lights, sounds, smells etc. This simple nerves related phenomenon are interpreted in different ways by different persons forgetting the crux that “During all these experiences some presence is there like canvas on which all these experiences are created/played.”

The same can be achieved/realized just simply by becoming/remaining aware that is happening inside with regard to thoughts. This is the simplest and direct way of knowing/realizing as propounded by Astavakra, Buddha, Ramana Maharshi, Osho, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Ranjit Maharaj, Bagawath (live), Richads(live), Allan Watts, etc.

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