Question: A "funny" question tortures me since a few days: WHO CREATES ALL THE THOUGHTS, WHICH ARE ARISING??? Where do they come from? If there is no I (and indeed "I" cannot find it when I look) and life just "happens", if there is no time and no space, how then do things develop? (It is a little bit difficult to me to explain what I mean in english language). If there is no beginning and no end, because all that is is THIS, who or what is creating this? Or is it self-creating? I hope you can understand what I mean.....
My mind is like an endless CD! Questions after questions after questions - and if I tell myself: this is only mind-play, it yet doesn't satisfy me.....what would I give for UNDERSTANDING!
Answer: All that has to be given for understanding is the belief that understanding is done by a someone. In other words what has to be given (or given up) is the 'I' that believes that it is doing the understanding. Take the following line for example; 'I want understanding' and see what remains when the 'I' and the 'want' are dropped from this sentence.
To help the mind recognize its own limitations, here are some more words.
All questions and all answers are mind and they will not directly reveal THAT which is prior to the mind. Indirectly each and every thought testifies to the Presence that exists prior to the mind. THAT which expresses via - and appears AS - the mind.
Compare the mind to the light from a lamp, and compare THAT which is prior to the mind to electricity. The electricity express AS the light, but remains itself invisible. It is there prior to its expression as light and it remains - unmanifest - when the lamp is switched of. This 'Priorness' is the Unborn, Self Arising Mystery of Being.
The mind uses words like 'prior to the mind' but it can never go there. It can use the words 'unborn, formless and eternal' but what they point at remains a mystery to the mind. Just try to imagine something that exist prior to the mind; is this not again mind? Try to imagine the formless, can there be any idea to describe it?
You ask how things can develop if there is no time and space. Let's go back to the metaphor of the dream. A dream does not have any weight, substance or dimension, yet within the dream, one can experience substance, as well as the dimensions of space and time. In the same way Awareness -or THAT in which everything appears- has no substance or dimension. Within the 'dream of manifestation' substance, time and space are present and seem to be real; as real as a starry sky in your dreams.
You also also ask "Who created thought" but we do not have to see thought as created by a separate creator. Instead, it can be seen as one of the ways the Unborn appears to ItSelf. In essence thought and the source of thought are one and the same, just as the form of a statue and the stone it is crafted from. The statue is not created by the stone, but an 'appearance' of the stone. When we see thoughts as created, we may conclude that there must be a separate creator/thinker or God. The mind will then come with the next question; 'OK, God created thought, but who created God?'
The mystery we call 'God' or 'Source' is the Uncaused First Cause. This is not something the mind can grasp. An intuitive leap may reveal that the Source of all, including thought, is the Timeless One. There cannot be anything before the Timeless Source, as all before and after are again of the time dimension.
Thoughts are of the mind and our language talks about the mind as if it were a thing. However mind is not a thing; it is the thinking process itself. Intuition may show that something had to be present before the words that make up thoughts could be acquired. It may also be recognized that the mind-stream appears TO something. Something (although it is not a 'some-thing' but rather a 'no-thing') which already IS before IT expresses via the mind as the words 'I AM.' IT is That What IS; the Original Face, peaking out of no-thing-ness. This intuitive leap may produce an 'AHA'... or laughter perhaps ....
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