"Osho, do you really believe that God does not exist?"
"I do not believe that God does not exist. I know for sure that he does not exist. And thank God, that he does not exist. Because the existence of God, would have created so many problems, difficulties, that life would have been almost impossible.
You may not have looked from this angle that I am going to talk to you. Perhaps nobody has ever tried to look at it from this angle.
The Christians say: "God created the world." In fact, the hypothesis of God is needed for the creation. The world is there, somebody must have created it? Whoever created it, that creator is God. But do you see the implication? If the world is created, there can be no evolution. Evolution means creation continues.
Think of the Christian story: God created the world in six days and then on the seventh day, he rested. Since then he has been resting; the whole creation, was completed. In six days... Now from where can evolution have a possibility? Creation means finished; the full point has arrived on the sixth day. And after that, there is no possibility of evolution.
Evolution implies that creation is not complete. Hence the possibility of evolving. But God cannot create an incomplete world. That would be going against god's nature. He is perfect and whatever he does is perfect. Neither he nor the world is evolving. Everything will be at a standstill.
This is the reason why popes are against Charles Darwin. Because that man was bringing an idea which is going to kill God sooner or later. Those Popes could see the far-away implications of the idea of evolution.
Ideally you will learn connecting both creation and evolution. What connection is there? God.. Charles Darwin.. there is connection. Charles Darwin is saying that the creation is an ongoing process. The existence is always imperfect. It is never going to be perfect. Only then it can go on evolving. Reaching new peaks, new dimensions, opening new doors, new possibilities.
God has finished his work in six days. And not long before. 4004 years before Jesus Christ was born. It must have been first January, Monday, because we manage to fit God, into everything that we have created. He has to follow our calender. If you ask me, I will say it must have been Monday, 1st April, the fools day. Because that day seems to be absolutely suitable for doing such an act of creating a completed existence. If evolution becomes impossible, life loses all meaning."
"From ignorance to innocence #8"
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