Questions :- What is Individual,Collective and Cosmic Consciousness ? Is Liberation / Salvation attainment of Cosmic Consciousness ? Is it like if Cosmis consciousness is attained we will have a feeling of a Diffused Awareness like in a dream ie.,The World appear as a dream and the dreamer knows that it is a dream and just enjoying the show effortlessly ?
Answers :- There is consciousness only. We can’t classify it into three. When we have individual consciousness, we feel us, as an individual. Otherwise, the total consciousness itself becomes unconscious. A healthy body won’t feel its existence of being. If we are feverish, we will know the existence of our body prominently. A healthy body is always unconscious. It is consciously unconscious. If we take it to be the role of a dreamer or witness, it’s nothing but our thought and imagination. We attend everything only by our mind. We recognize everything only when we convert everything as the product of our mind. But our mind is not a static one. It is like a mirror and it reflects, whatever comes in front of it. Similarly, we understand and recognize everything, as the reflections of our mind. All our reflections are as temporary as passing clouds. Unless we don’t catch hold of such reflections, they come on their own and fade on their own. It is meaningful when it happens. It is dream like when it is over. When our mind responses to a situation, it becomes conscious. When the response is over, our mind becomes unconscious. It is consciously unconscious. The mind which is functioning without self contradictions, becomes unconscious. The healthy mind is consciously unconscious.
Questions :- Just I couldnt accept the fact that how come this insanity is so pervasive as if that is what is intended in this divine flow, if only gods will is in action, then where is the need for changing anything, i mean both we suffering against the cosmic flow without knowing we cannot change it or being in harmony absorbed as an completely automated entity, is there any difference, i mean at any point what can a dream character do to possibly understand his position, even seeing that he is a dream character would also is just another thought that the dreamer is imposing on one of his own projections, since at any point of time the dream is anyway in complete control of the dreamer. Eventhough as you say we dont bring in the change in attitude ourselves, the mind anticipates that as the attainment in trying to see the fact as nothing is there to attain wherein back in the mind it is anticipating to understand the ultimate understanding, it is like again becoming prey for the trickiness of the mind. So many years of the thought process, iterated and re-iterated to make our conviction, that we born, live and die as an entity of our own will, executing our own duties and responsibilities, to fulfill our own destinies. Is it what we try to do is just another anti-dote which is very specific to the current situation that is in place. From zero, everything is a number, from nothing everything is an idea. As Wei wu wei says, the mere thought of I is instantaneous bondage. But onething couldnt understand is the same, how come this insanity is so pervasive as if that is what intended. I apologize, I know i have clearly confused myself, please clarify.
Answers :- Please imagine a vast sea; waves are there in upper portion of the sea. Waves are nothing but our conscious experiences, including our thoughts. We need not try to make a waveless sea. If we try, it is nothing but the effort of wave itself. It is nothing but the effort of establishing a wave itself. The entity, which tries to pacify the struggle, is itself a part of the struggle. So, naturally we ask,’ how shall we get order in our experience?’ We naturally expect a remedy. Is it not? But expecting a remedy alone, is the problem. We expect as if we can get remedy. But the real fact is that there cannot be a waveless sea. Wave is natural in the sea. The thing which tries to control waves, is also a wave. If we try, it will be an endless game. Assuming responsibility to do something, is the real problem. But we do not aware of this basic problem. We are always become serious of doing something or the other. We want something; we want to establish a status. Thereby, we assume a responsibility to achieve the same. Our responsibility is our bondage. If we don’t need anything in the name of higher status – in the name of self realization or in the name of psychological perfection, then there is no necessity for us to assume responsibility. Responsibility is nothing but the responsibility of a wave to control the other waves. It is nothing but the movement of the wave itself. So there is nothing to correct ourselves. If we try to correct ourselves, waves alone get importance. If we don’t correct ourselves, then all waves become unimportant. Then, the waves become part of the total sea.
Questions :- How can i understand that i got enlightenment. Can you explain me its feelings and how i will be differ with other persons ?
Answers :- If you are able to take your psychological structure whole heartedly, it is the end of everything. Instead, if you try to do something for your psychological perfection then you are still in the process of search. Enlightenment means an understanding that you can’t do anything for your psychological change of perfection. Enlightenment means you needn’t have any responsibility to correct yourself psychologically. If you are able to disown your responsibility, your mind becomes a liberated mind. Your psyche becomes a liberated one. Then, no thought will encircle itself, as a feeling of sorrow or suffering. Our thought will flow like a river without having any eddy. The scientists say that the earth gets the force of gravitation, only because of it’s rotation by itself. Similarly if our thought encircles around a feeling, the feeling gathers weight. If our thoughts enter the regular flow of the mind, then we won’t feel the heaviness of our feelings. Thereby you can identify that you have got enlightened and liberated.
Questions :- As you have said in the book Salvation without Meditation my mind is also thinking on how to be idle, how can the I could see that it doesnt exist ? the very breathing pre-supposes and re-iterates the I right. Please help me clarify. As you said, the dreamer cannot be seen in the dream, and so how does that understanding happens that we are a dream character, is it that the very idea gives the salvation ? Is what we call enlightenment is merely a change in attitude ?
Answers :- The question is quite reasonable and worth asking. The I consciousness is always in existence. The I consciousness is absent, only in our dreamless sleep. We need not try to prove or establish the existence of I consciousness. It is there. It is an open fact. But whenever we have I conscious, we will never feel the unqualified I consciousness. We always feel that we are somebody or something. This is known as our ordinary I consciousness. It is only the qualified I consciousness. This is also a fact. We can usually visualize it. But there is no necessity for us to deal with these facts. We need not try to attain the unqualified I consciousness. If we try, it is again the effort of the qualified I consciousness. It is not the effort of the unqualified I consciousness to establish itself to be the unqualified I consciousness. Then is there any duty for our I consciousness to do? If it were the duty to attain the unqualified I consciousness, then there is some meaning for our effort. But we have found out that our ordinary I Consciousness cannot do it. So our duty is meaningless, if it were the duty to attain a psychological perfection. What is open for us to take sincere effort for our worldly duty? Enlightenment is nothing but finding out this fact that we need not do anything for our psychological perfection. So we become effortless to correct ourselves. It is righty said, ‘enlightenment is merely a change in attitude’. But we have not deliberately made this change. It happens on its own, when we understand that we need not do anything towards our psychological perfection, But to our surprise, our psychological structure itself under goes a tremendous change towards its perfection, when we have not given importance to its change.
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