The statement "And knowledge is fine up to a point, but at some point all knowledge must be thrown out the window in favor of direct experience." may be true from one's(Master"s) angle who has tasted /known /experienced /realised but not from others' angle whose seeking has not come to an end. If such a person agrees or disagrees with certainty on a statement "about" truth given by a Master will it not amount to an dishonesty on his part ? Further will it not amount to giving a certificate to the Master or certifying the Master's statement by a person, who is still unenlightened/unrealised/has not known/ experienced. This is what is happening everywhere in more or less every case. The people are repeating the statements about truth in such a fashion/way that it appears that those statements have become their truth. This is called deceiving oneself. Hence no prgress in the direction of knowing.
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