Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Effect Always Precedes Cause In Spiritualism

The Effect Always Precedes Cause In Spiritualism

But in spiritual journey where the direction on road-map gets reversed i.e. when we start from gross to subtle in order to “find out”( This is a tricky word which basically represents “forgetting of all which have been known till date” or “unfolding/de-conditioning/winding the film roll which was being shown on the screen”) ourselves, the positive laws/ principles/ methods/ practices being followed while moving in other direction, don’t come as any help to us .

That is why NETI-NETI of Upanishadic method becomes important.

Here, the pattern “cause-action-effect” which was seen earlier will be seen as totally reversed i.e. “effect will be visible first then the cause”.

And there will not be any time gap between them(effect and cause) due to “inaction(just witnessing presence)” and the pattern “effect-inaction-cause” will come into the picture.

Hence we have to go on discarding everything we have known till date by way of our effort/action .

In the end when nothing “remains/comes out/visible” to be discarded, what remains are we which is unknowable which not even subtle because the subtle and gross are two facets of the same coin.

This, “Who Am I ?”, method of questioning employed is the method propounded by Guru Vashishtha(to Ram –as per Yoga Vashishtha) and in modern world by Shri Ramana Maharshi.

In view of the above it can concluded that in fact result (effect) is already present before the so called action (basically inaction) happens.

The effect(outer state) is just a reflection of cause (inner state) which is already there. ""Hence effect precedes the cause"".

That is why it is said that "you can give only what you have or you cannot give what you don't have."

Example- If somebody's action creates unhappiness then understand that that person is already unhappy and he is just making/sharing his unhappiness with others.

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