The factors responsible for wrong (sometimes opposite of what was meant) interpretations of scriptures:
1. In a happening of a thing a no of factors are working some of which are known, majority unknown and something unknowable.
2. As long as a person is living in experiencing(anubhuti) mode understand that he has not reached to the truth. In Gita Krishna says I am all the three, experiencer, the object of experiencing and the object that is being experienced. That is they cannot be separated. These terms(differentiation) have been used as concepts to make the seeker to understand something unconceivable.
3. The purpose of the person writing and the time (stage in which he is , whether before realization or after realization) of writing and for whom he is writing all are important.
4. Whether the word/phrases represent the final truth or experienced in transitional phase of his evolution of consciousness.
5. The ultimate truth in different form is 1. Everything is just happening on its own. 2. Nobody is doer. 3. There is nothing but God. 4. Aham Brahmashmi. 5. So Aham. 6. I Am That. 7. Kan-Kan Mein Bhagwan Hai. ----
6. Common declaration mentioned above as different expressions of truth must be kept in mind for reference purpose to see whether interpretation is going in right direction or not.
7. For understanding purpose the stages have been categorized as under (we know body and mind only about ourselves)
1. 1st stage- Duality- I am separate from others(including thing)
2. 2nd stage- Duality- I am separate from body.
3. 3rd stage- duality- I am separate from mind.
4. 4th stage- transitional - Sometimes I am body-mind and sometimes not.
5. 5th stage -non-dual- There is nothing but I i.e. I am in everything.
6. 6th stage –not perceivable or beyond or unknowable (neither dual nor non-dual)- I am whole or whole in me- no distinction between body, mind and soul-----feeling of separateness is no more. Hence nothing can be said about that state because for saying something some gap(feeling of separateness) must be there, but feelling of separateness has come to end. Existence of I ceases. The knowledge “Everything is happening on its own” down upon . He just become like any other thing or life form in nature. His power of discriminating also comes to an end.
a) In initial stage-Through discriminative self-analysis and logical thinking one should separate the Pure self within from the sheaths as one separates the rice from the husk, bran, etc., that are covering it.----Raman Maharshi
a) Final Stage-- The Yogi of perfect realisation and enlightenment sees through his “eye of wisdom” (Gyana Chakshush) the entire universe in his own Self and regards everything else as his own Self and nothing else.--- Raman Maharshi
Nothing whatever exists other than the Atman: the tangible universe is verily Atman. As pots and jars are verily made of clay and cannot be said to be anything but clay, so too, to the enlightened soul and that is perceived is the Self.---- Raman Maharshi
There exists nothing that is not Brahman. If any object other than Brahman appears to exist, it is unreal like the mirage.---- Raman Maharshi
All that is perceived, or heard, is Brahman and nothing else. Attaining the knowledge of the Reality, one sees the Universe as the non-dual Brahman, Existence-Knowledge-Bliss-
8. All the scriptures were written in poetry form as they were easy to remember/cram. They are also known as shruti as they were passed on from generation to generation by cramming/remembering. The problem with poem is that it can never be understood with full clarity as the background of the poem is not known to the interpreter.
9. The real meaning/interpretations of any saying is the understanding supported by direct or indirect evidences in such a way at a given point of time that eliminates further possibility of discussion.
10. Stupid- In common parlance someone who does something without having knowledge of what/why he is doing for.
In a sense all of us are stupid as we have no idea about who we are, why we are, from where we come, where we will go, where we are, why we are, what my shape and size are, etc. and we go on doing as if we are doer.
These existential questions have not even found themselves in our top 10 priority listof task/goal of our life. We go on behaving as if we are body and mind only due to attachment which again is due to misunderstanding the facts as it is. However this stupidity goes on decreasing with progress in spiritual life i.e. while heading towards the unfolding/revelation of the truth. This (attachment/stupidity) remains up to the last point albeit in maximum minimized level , but comes to an end as soon as understanding happens.
11. All the words like God, Atma, Self, Parmatma, etc. were conceptualized by our great Rishis for the beginners on the path of religion in which generally those people are attracted who have found security of their basic needs. Their consciousness now shifts to mind and now mind demands something new whether it is material or spiritual it does not matter to the mind. If the Rishis would have told that there is nothing to achieve, nowhere to go/reach, etc. about the ‘truth” do you think anybody would have got attracted as there is no food for thought in such answers which are in fact true.
Looking into the above I think that the experiences of this verse is not the reflection of the truth but these anubhuties were realized by Shri Shanrachrya during initial stages of his journey as he is differentiating between soul, mind and body which(differentiation) is not true. This is good to start with for a seeker as Raman Maharshi said in the interview.
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