Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Why the Theory of Karma is wrong(misunderstood) so far as time gap between the cause and effect is concerned.

A few days back I posted that somehow “’the misunderstanding of the Karma Theory”’ has happened at some point of time in past which we are still carrying considering as a valuable heavy gold chain. I also questioned “How is it possible that our past karmas affect our present birth?”

Let us try to understand collectively.

Some fundamentals will have to be considered first which will help us in understanding the matter.

1. The action/reaction is a verb and takes time so long as it’s happening goes on.

2. In contrast cause and effects are nouns and the question of time does not arise in their case.

3. Hence both(action/reaction and cause/effect) are entirely two things/phenomenon albeit always connected.

4. The action/reaction always acts as a connecting link between the cause and the effect.

5. Hence action/reaction can never be compared with cause and effect.

6. Hence the only time gap (which can be conceived of) between cause and effect is the time taken in performance/happening of action.

7. Therefore cause-action/reaction-effect exist only in continuum. This is an unbreakable natural(universal) law.

8. If the action is taken as verb then there is only action and therefore the question of existence of reaction does not arise. But in reality all actions are nothing but reactions happening in response to outer/inner stimuli. Hence the actions include the reactions and the reactions include the actions.

In the objective world ,where the feeling of separateness is the truth prevails, the only way is positive way to proceed in discovering something unknown(not unknowable).

In other words we have to look forward(sense organs have to focus outside, the body is also outside) when we try to find out something unknown(not unknowable) and go on verifying the results in reference to the established/known principles.

Therefore on the road map of discovering something in the world(including our own body) the cause (thoughts) comes first then the result connected with the required action i.e. there will be time gap between them(cause and effect) in which the process of the action happens (or time taken in happening of action).

This discovery is from subtle (which we are and not perceivable by sense organs) to the gross(perceivable by sense organs).

The pattern seen will be “cause-action-effect” .

Hence from this point of view there should not be any time gap between our cause(deeds) and the results(fruits).

Hence the prevalent understanding of Karma Theory somehow appears to be wrong.

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