Thursday, February 10, 2011

Questioner: To be content with mere being seems to be a most selfish way of passing time.

Nisargadatta Maharaj replied: A most worthy way of being selfish! By all means be selfish by foregoing everything but the Self. When you love the Self and nothing else, you go beyond the selfish and the unselfish. All distinctions lose their meaning. Love of one and Love of all merge together in Love...pure and simple...addressed to none...denied to none.

From another seeker visiting here for a retreat: It seems Realization will make me robotic and lock me into a boring life.

The response: What is more boring that kneeling and standing and kneeling and standing, chanting chants and praying prayers or citing creeds or slogans in a zombie-like fashion and in unison with other persons? Can anything be more robotic than that?

You have been told that Realization need not prevent "husbanding" from happening; it will merely allow husbanding to happen without a belief in the false role of "The Husband"; without experiencing the imaginary fears and unmet desires of "The Husband"; and without the arrogance and egotism that manifest when "The Husband" upgrades itself to the level of "Super Husband."

Maharaj addressed the issue thusly:

Questioner: Does it mean that I must give up all idea of an active life?

Maharaj: "Not at all. There will be marriage, there will be children, there will be earning money to maintain a family; all this will happen in the natural course of events....

"You will go through it without resistance, facing tasks as they come, attentive and thorough..., but the general attitude will be of affectionate detachment, enormous goodwill....

"In marriage you are neither the husband nor the wife; you are The Love between the two. You are the clarity and kindness that makes everything orderly and happy.

"Your consciousness is raised to a higher dimension, from which You see everything much clearer and with greater intensity. You realise that the person you became at birth and will cease to be at death is temporary and false.

"You are not the sensual, emotional and intellectual person, gripped by desires and fears. Find out Your real being. 'What am l?' is the fundamental question of all philosophy and psychology. Go into it deeply."

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