Monday, February 7, 2011

Ramesh Balsekar

"The final truth, as Ramana Maharishi and Nisargadatta Maharaj and all the sages before them have clearly stated, is that there is neither creation nor destruction, neither birth nor death, neither destiny nor free will, neither any path nor any achievement. All there is is Consciousness."

"What is the significance of the statement 'No one can get enlightenment'? This is the very root of the teaching.

It means that it's stupid for any so-called master to ask anyone to do anything to achieve or get enlightenment.

The core of this simple statement means, according to my concept, that enlightenment is the annihilation of the "one" who "wants" enlightenment.

If there is enlightenment - which can only happen because it is the will of God - then it means the "one" who had earlier wanted enlightenment has been annihilated.

So no "one" can achieve enlightenment and therefore no "one" can enjoy enlightenment."

"The joke is even the surrendering is not in your control. Why?

Because so long as there is an individual who says "I surrender" there is a surrenderer, an individual ego... What I'm saying is that even the surrendering is not in [your] hands."

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