Tuesday, April 19, 2011



Acting as Bhakta and being a Bhakta are two different things.

Generally what is seen is acting not being.

BHA=Bhagwan (a state of being) + akti= to be united ----means the Bhakta is one who has merged (united) with God.

After merger neither Bhakta as person nor God as an entity remains.

It is not that he does not know that there is no God separate from him. But just out of reverence towards his earlier “misunderstanding that God and he are separate”, he continues to show his love towards God, as in the first place because of “which (understanding of duality) only he knew the truth (non-dual). The story of enlightenment of Ramakrishna Paramhamsa in the presence of his Advaita guru, Totapuri is a glaring example of this state. This has also been very beautifully explained by Nisargadatta Mahraj when he was asked why he worships his Guru four times a day and on the other hand you say that it (worshiping) has no meaning.

Let two words TRUST and INNOCENCE be explained.

Trust- One has to start from having a slight bit of faith in someone or something. With the progress in sadhna a part of faith (full of doubt) gets converted into trust and this goes on decreasing and trust goes increasing. In the end faith come to an end and whatever remains is trust (without a bit of doubt). This happens because whatsoever were believed (imagined) now became his truth doe to experiences. In this state of trust the personality of Bhakta comes to an end due to merger (finding him already united) with the whole. He finds that he is in everything and everyone. The feeling of separation is no more.

Innocence---This is the original or inherent quality of nature. The body is already innocent. It cannot get out of its innocence. When mind comes into play then we say that the person is not innocent. It means loss of innocence is directly linked with the working of mind. If the mana-vachana-karma are in full synchronization in a person, he is called innocent. The starting point is the mana(thoughts) only. And the innocent person will always be open to anything. He will not follow a fixed path at all. His decision will be spontaneous.

See if the trust between the persons living as wife and husband staying together for even 50-60 years, cannot develop, do you think the trust will develop with so called imaginary God about whom you have no idea at all.

Then what to do?

The Bhakta wants to be loved by God but he does not know God.

Then how to approach the unknown God?

Here one concept will have to be brought in to understand.

The concept is “All the constituents of the creation are dear to God they are His creations."

These constituents are known to us.

Will it not be a better option to approach God through the constituents of creation only?

Yes this appears to be logical also.

Among all the constituents humans are very close to us.

Why not to start with humans?

Among humans our close relatives and others who are definitely very near to us like son, wife, husband, daughter, maid servant, servant, driver, washerman, etc.

So far as things are concerned many things are near to us which we use on daily basis. So why not to start with those thing which are in daily use like bed, cot, tooth brush, wash basin, utensils, food items, dining table, showcase, car, things in office/shops etc.

You have to simply give attention towards the animate and inanimates listed above.

This giving of attention is nothing but expressing love towards them.

What is expression of love?

This is nothing but focusing (giving attention) of consciousness (love) toward somebody/something.

This simple act of yours has tremendous inherent power(capacity) to uplift you and convert you into a true Bhakta.

All of your showering of love towards animate and inanimate pushes you towards your own Godhood nature.


1st situation-- If I express too much love towards you as we are very near to each other, but I don’t love your sons and daughters. Will you be able to love me? Will it be possible for us to remain close to each other?

2nd situation—I don’t express any love towards you, but I love your children too much. Will you stop yourself from showering your love towards me? Will you and I not come very near to each other?

In the same way if we give attention to the every constituent of the creation, which in turn makes our nature trusting irrespective of others and then we will automatically come near to God or our own Godhood/Buddhahood.

Hence the qualities of a true Bhakta are---

1) He must be of Trusting Nature irrespective of nature of the person trusted upon.

2) He must be “INNOCENT” as this is the inherent quality of UNIVRSE

3) He must be totally OPEN i.e. he must not be of discriminating nature. In other words he must be living in a state of acceptance mode. Ramakrishna Paramhamsa was a perfect example of staying in acceptance mode.

Where are these qualities visible in this scientific world ?

Now it is left to you to decide ?

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